Monday, June 15, 2009

The Reason for my Blog

I created this blog for several reasons. One being that I am a christian teen who would like to reach the lost. Some of the books I list will help teach fellow teens living for Christ how to witness to others. They will tell how to start conversations with people they are trying to reach, without making the other person feel uncomfortable. When witnessing that is the last thing you want to do.
My second reason is to strengthen the teens faith in Christ. Sometimes christians begin to question there beleifs. These books will prove that christianity is true using the bible and other references. One of my favorite facts from these books is that history books in some schools use the bible as a refrence!
My third and final reason is to let christians know good books, to use when doing divotions. A large part of being a christian is studying the bible and praying. These books will tell good scripture to read on different topics. It will also tell good things to pray about and not only ask of God, but praise him also.
In conclusion the books I list will show techniques on how to witness. Also help strengthen and build on your faith. Finally it will tell about good devotionall books that you should try. These aren't the only books out there, but they are books that I know can help your faith.